Bilingual Proficiency Test by UBT at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
MOU with University of Licungo in Mozambique on Introduction of UBT and UBL and their pilot projects
Launch of NSD GLOBAL CLOUD of Mozambique
Participation in Mozambique Project by ODA Center of Inje University

Expansion of NSD GLOBAL CLOUD in Indonesia
Pilot operation to conduct empirical study of NSD Global Cloud in the European Union (EU Zone)
Pilot project of image technology UBL MEET to integrate education & technology
Research to improve AI Supervisor
Research on Robotics Technology to support the future education support system
Business Agreement with NAVER
Pilot project on non-face-to-face education and evaluation in the public education sector with Ministry of Education in Mongolia
Non face-to-face exams to select doctoral residents & health care service providers, Ministry of Health in Mongolia
AI supervisor applied UBT test on EPS (Employment Permit System), Human Resources Development Service of Korea
Studies on AI supervisor applied exams, Seoul National University School of Dentistry
Non-face-to-face exams with AI supervisors, Busan University School of Dentistry

Discussion about conversion into UBT method of healthcare provider’s license exam with Ministry of Health Minister in Mongolia
Meeting on UBT and UBL implementation with superintendents and principals of education in Selenge Province, Mongolia
Development of the third UBT Enabled Android Tablet with Foxconn
UBT exam in the plastic surgeon specialist exam in Korea
South Korea-Vietnam-Nepal, Conclusion of an agreement for joint research on AI Technology in Healthcare(Organized by Yonsei University)
MOU to introduce UBL CLOUD, UBT CLOUD, and AI Supervisors to 9 universities in Indonesia
Discussion with a French company ALIOS about virtual reality-based UBT CLOUD and device development
UBT exam in the doctoral residency selection exam in Mongolia
Pilot operation of NSD GLOBAL CLOUD in Mongolia
Technology introduction and discussion on the UBT/UBL introduction and international cooperation with Karlstad University in Sweden
Feasibility study of UBT and UBL business in Mozambique
End of the NSD GLOBAL CLOUD pilot operation in South Korea and started the Infrastructure expansion and operation
MOU on UBL/UBT adoption at the three educational training center under the Ministry of Manpower in Indonesia
UBT in the national healthcare provider’s license exam (doctors, nurses) organized by Health Development Center under Ministry of Health in Mongolia
UBL (LMS) and other technology application business in 40 elementary/secondary schools in Nepal
SBT in the Emergency Medical Technician Licensing Exam (EMT, Level 1)
Presentation as a successful overseas export case in the IT sector by KOTRA
CSR project to utilize UBT technology for the Indonesian government, by KOTRA-NSD Vietnam
Presentation of NSD technology by Invitation to the ADB-UNESCO South Asia Regional Symposium on ICT for Education
MOU on the utilization and joint research of UBT with Hanoi Medical University in Vietnam
Contract of UBT usage with National University of Mongolia
Contract of UBT-enabled national license exams with Center for Health Development (CHD), Ministry of Health in Mongolia
Contract for the innovation in public education with application of UBL and UBT technologies with three local governments in Nepal
Workshop to develop UBT optimized questions to collaborate with four EEO BULT countries by the support of KOTRA and the Ministry of Manpower in Indonesia
UBT at the dental residency selection exam in South Korea

SBT test in the Emergency Medical Technician Licensing Exam (EMT, Level 1)
Selected as a successful export case in the IT sector by KOTRA
Presentation as a global innovation technology/activity case in 2017 chosen by Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Selected Presentation in the 17th CAN Information & Communication Technology Conference 2017
Agreement on UBT implementation with PAMJAKI for insurer license exams in Indonesia
Development of the second UBT Enabled Android Tablet with Foxconn
Presentation as the global innovation case in the UBT, UBL technology-based education at the Enhancing Education and Training of Health Professional - The role of ICT, organized by ADB-Vietnam
MOU on joint business with BBPP (civil servant training center) of Ministry of Manpower in Indonesia
Agreement of UBT implementation and expansion at College Admission Test (CAT) with DMMMSU, Philippines as a successful export case in the IT sector by KOT
Implementation of a project to introduce UBL for infection education at local hospitals/health centers with the HUE UMP of Vietnam
Trial application of UBL at the job search education in the Korean Sunbee Research Institute
MOU on the introduction of UBT with the Hanoi Open University (HOU) in Vietnam
Presentation as a case of UBT and UBL applied education plan in the public sector at the Workshop on School Sector Development Plan in Nepal
The Role of ICT, organized by ADB and Nepalese Government
Discussion on UBT application in the national license exam for health care workers with the vice secretary of Department of Health, Vietnam
UBT exam at the midterm at a middle school in the Marikina Office of Education in the Philippines
4th ULTP & EEO BULT international conference - The Philippines
Presentation as a global innovation technology/activity case in 2016 selected by Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Activities to spread educational technology in order to innovate the local education in Nepal (8 primary and secondary schools)
UBT and UBL introduction project in Hue University in Vietnam(ODA project by Jeju Halla University and Gachon University)
Launch of Korean language curriculum based on UBL taught in local communities at DMMMSU in the Philippines
UBT exam in the College Admission Test (CAT) at DMMMSU, Philippines
UBL-based PBL (Problem Based Learning) at School of Medicine, Keimyung University
{Pilot project of UBT-based FLEX at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
MOU of UBT and UBL application and teacher training with Islamic University of Indonesia
MOU of UBT and UBL application, and teacher/civil servant training with Quezon Office of Education, Department of Education of the Philippines
UBT exam for the college entrance exam at Pasundan University (UNPAS) in observation of Ministry of Education, Indonesia
UBT exam at a midterm Kathmandu University, Nepal
UBL application to education inmates in the Quezon prison in cooperation with the Quezon Office of Education in the Philippines
The 3rd ULTP & EEO BULT International Conference, South Korea

SBT at the specialist exam by the Korean Orthopaedic Association
Selected as KIBO (Korea Technology Finance Corporation) A+ Members
Project to build the UBT/UBL environment in mountain villages in Nepal and conduct empirical research
MOU with Kathmandu University in Nepal to support UBT/UBL-based evaluation and education innovation at school
Technical support to educate underprivileged people and schools in Haiti
Implementation of UBT at Changwon University
Support for the APEC e-Learning Training Program (AeLT)
Joint participation SKT-NSD at Innovfest Unbound organized by NUS (National University of Singapore)
UBT Assessment at Depart of Special Education, Tribhuvan University of Nepal
UBT at Logitech Academy of Samsung Electronics
MOU on joint business with Samsung Credu
MOU with Ministry of Education in Vietnam to innovate education in the lifelong education sector
MOU to introduce UBL at the Hai Duong Lifelong Education Center in Vietnam and its implementation
UBT/UBL application agreement with School No.23 in Mongolia and teacher training and research
Discussions with Ministry of Education, Republic of Botswana on UBT/UBL introduction
UBT training for professors and teachers at Umfolozi College in South Africa
Evaluation exams by UBT at Department of Dentistry, Yonsei University
MOU on UBT and its research GMIT (German-Mongolian Institute for Resources and Technology) in Mongolia
Organized the Second ULTP(U-Learning training program) & EEO BULT in Indonesia
R&D on U-Folio with Medical School, Inje University and Education -Technology at University of Georgia (UGA), USA
SBT at dental specialist exam
UBT for College Admission Test (CAT) in DMMMSU (Philippines)
Workshop for the application of UBL and UBT at the Umfolozi College in South Africa
ODA business to apply UBT/UBL at Tribhuvan National University in Nepal
MOU for a joint project on U-Learning with University of Indonesia (UI) Indonesia
MOU on co-research with College of Education at University of Georgia (UGA)
MOU for a joint project with Foxconn, China
UBT pilot project for smart education (SKT-NSD contract) with Ministry of Education in Thailand
UBT at Mongolian University of Science and Technology (MUST) in cooperation between Chanwon University and NSdevil
Research on UBT technology support at element and secondary schools in Mongolia
1st ULTP (U-Learning Training Program) & EEO BULT International conference in South Korea

MOU on joint business with SK Telecom
Indonesia's first UBT-based exam conducted at Pasundan -University (UNPAS) in Indonesia
Big scale assessment at Inje University, Korea (First case at a medical school)
Large-scale UBT assessment at Hallym Polytechnic University, Korea
APEC e-Learning Training Program (AeLT)
UBT/UBL technology introduction at the 3rd Busan International ODA Forum
Presentation of UBT/UBL technology as international education cooperation innovation case at the APEC 3rd Senior
Officials’ Meeting (SOM 3), APEC INDONESIA 2013
UBT and UBL training to the department heads in the Ministry of -Communication and Information, Indonesia
Support of the UBT/UBL training of Smart Education Team (Ministry of Education in Thailand) in Korea
MOU of the application of UBT/UBL in the global content sharing business by Prime College, Korea National Open University
MOU on UBT/UBL usage by Office of Education in Marikina, with Department of Education, Philippines
MOA on UBT/UBL usage with DMMMSU in Philippines in support of the Commission on Higher Education
Presentation of UBT/UBL based international innovation in education at the 9th APEC Future Education Forum
MOU to innovate the national health professional license exam by the Korea Health Personnel Licensing Examination Institute
Introduction of UBT/UBL at the 5th APEC Education Ministerial Meeting and their experience presentation
Support of E-learning training for civil servants in the APEC E-Learning Training (AeLT)
First development and commercialization of tablet PC-based evaluation solution in the world
Support of E-learning training for civil servants in the APEC E-Learning Training (AeLT)
First development of iPhone-based U-learning (+uLMS) solution in Korea